
Hi, it’s me again. Yesterday in the evening I went to the top floor of the building to the 13 floor to go play with my old friend Riddan. They have their own private terrace! The cool thing is that on the terrace is a projector!

When I went down to the ground floor I found him playing with Avanth, who is pankil’s friend. We played soccer, then Avanth had to go home so me and Riddan went up to Riddan’s house. His mom and dad and sister were at home watching a movie, me and Riddan played Carrom and watched a movie.

Then at 8:00 my mom called and told me to come down to there house on the 6th floor. So I went down and ate dinner and played video games till 9:30and went to sleep.

2 Replies to “Yesterday”

  1. Ved! I am so very impressed with your blog! What a fabulous way to document your trip to India. I am so excited that I will be able to hear all about your adventures and stay in touch!

    We sure miss you in the classroom. We are sending a big hello and can’t wait to read your next entry on your blog!

    Way to go Ved! Love Mrs. Buckley

    1. Thank you Mrs. buckley, I suggest if you haven’t you should the class.

      My dad set this blog up for me to write posts and reviews.

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