
A few days ago I went with my maamaa (moms brother) to a theater to watch a movie. The movie was called Parmanu, it is a movie of how India tests there NewClear Bomb when USA is using satellites to find out the formula. So this guy named John Abram came in the movie as Aswath and went into the team that was testing it and made the plan. Use a blind spot, there are 3 satellites, when one passes there is 1 hour before the next one comes. The team has to use that time to set everything up. They tried once in 1985 with no plan to keep the satellites out, so they cancelled the test. This plan that Aswath made they used 3 years later in 98, but some of the people who worked the USA president at that time was Bill Clinton, his people spayed on India and found out they were working during the blind spots. They set the satellites to the time that they were going to test the bomb, so India failed again. A few months later the president gave the permission to try again. This time there plan was the same. Use the blind spots. This time when the were almost ready to test, a spy found out they were trying again. But he found out to soon. When the presidents helper found out he went to Bill Clinton’s room. Just as he announced what had happened the tested the bomb. That time they succeeded.

I even wrote a review. On