Getting ready for India

Here’s my list of things I’d like to do while I’m in India:

  1. Keep a diary on my blog of what I did everyday and what I learned.
  2. Write a review for the restaurants I go to in India.
  3. Talk about all of the trains I went on and see which one I like the best.
  4. Find out what are the differences in the driving rules in India and America.

2 Replies to “Getting ready for India”

  1. Well, I have tried one thali restaurant. They had some good Chana Masala but really hard to bite roti. Thanks for reminding me, I should write a post about that. Please spread the word of my blog!
    😭 waa I am getting famous.
    😄 just kidding yay!

  2. Hi!
    Have you tried any restaurants yet? If so, which ones did you liked most, least, and why. Do you notice any major differences in restaurants in India than America?

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