I have created a few charts show important data comparing the schools in the Beaverton School District. For elementary schools, I will cover the main points of how some schools are better then others in Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Science. I will also show the median class sizes of the schools. For high schools, I will show the on-time graduation rate, student enrollment, and the median class size of the core subjects.
Elementary Schools
English Language Arts

As you can see, Findley and Jacob Wismer are doing great in English Language Arts (ELA) while Sato is also keeping up. The school that is not doing to well in ELA is Bethany. The Oregon average is way below these schools at a surprising 51%, this is very low and this is saying that half the kids in Oregon are meeting state grade level expectations.

Findley is still up with the lead and Jacob Wismer is on Findley’s heels. Bethany is ahead of Sato at 81%. And Sato . . . . I don’t know what to say, they are failing badly against the other schools in math and are not too high in any of the subjects. I think that is fine because Sato is a new school and is still growing. It was in mid 2018. Again, the Oregon average is a surprising 44%! Like before, this is saying less then half the kids in Oregon are meeting state grade level expectations.

None of the schools are doing to bad here though Sato is still down. Findley with the highest percentage 94% which is there highest in any category. Bethany is trying hard to keep up to Jacob Wismer and they are only down by 2 percent. For the crazy third time, Oregon average is way below this at 65%, a little bit more then half of the kids in Oregon are meeting state expectations.
Class Size

For the thing that doesn’t really mater, these schools are around the average class size in Oregon, the average is 25 kids per class. Jacob Wismer and Findley are at the average while Bethany and Sato are 2 kids less at 23 kids per class. It could be good if there are less kids in a class so the teacher gives each student more attention.
High Schools
Class Size

Now these are the main high schools in Beaverton. As you can see, both of the schools are around 30 kids in one class. Westview only has one more kid in each average class. The Oregon average in class size is 25 kids, these to schools have just a few more kids in each class then the average in Oregon.
On-Time Graduation

The schools are also around the same percentage of kids graduating within four years. Sunset has only 2% more kids graduating on time. As you can see 9/10 of the kids at both schools are getting their diploma on time. Sunset and Westview are both above the Oregon average for kids passing to college on time, the average in Oregon is 77%.
Student Enrollment

Westview is enrolling about 350 more kids then Sunset which is fine because Sunset is not as big as Westview and a lot of kids in Beaverton go to Westview. I don’t have an average for student enrollment.
As You Can See . . .
Most of the schools in Beaverton are doing good and are above the Oregon average.