Back to my blog!

Guys I know it’s been a really long time since I last checked my blog but I think it’s finally time that I slowly come back to it.

I’m in 6th grade now and a lot has happened since my last post. I thought I’d talk about some of the good books I’ve read since 2019. First of all, at the end of 3rd grade I stopped reading WarriorCats but recently I’ve caught up with it and I’m back to the most recent book (Darkness Within). That’s been a good series. Another series that I really liked was Lord of The Rings because J.R.R. Tolkien really stretches out small parts and details of the book which makes the story more descriptive and interesting. If you don’t know what LOTR is, it’s a story about a group of people (hero’s) who go on a journey to save their world from evil.

This is the cover of Lord of The Rings.

Now, on the sports side of things, I’m still a fan of Stephen Curry and Tom Brady. Stephen Curry is still on the Warriors so I’m still supporting them, thought Tom Brady is now on the Bucs so I’m rooting for them now. You probably know it already, but AMAZING Tom Brady won another superbowl! He’s the Greatest Quarterback of All Time and there is almost no argument against it now. Even if you subtract the number of superbowls he’s lost (7-3) you still get 4 superbowls and that is tied with the second greatest quarterback of all time, Joe Montana.

I’ve also started thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. I enjoy writing but I definitely do not want to be an author. I’m interested in Video Editing, Data, Cars, and basically anything that has to do with computers. I think a Data Scientist would be an amazing job as there is a lot of demand for them these days. I also want to design cars because I like looking at exteriors/interiors of cars and wondering what could be changed.

Other than that, not much has happened. School hasn’t been good in the pandemic and I’m really excited to get to meet people again at the start of 7th grade. I want to get back to this blog so I’ll try to get 1 post our per week but that could very easily change.

I hope everyone is doing well during this pandemic and I’m excited to get back to my blog!

Drywall Repair

We have had this leek coming from near our kitchen pantry and on the ceiling and it has been looking like its wet from the outside. So we called this guy named Scott that we have called a few times for some housework. When he came he said the pipe had cracked because they used pudding to make the pipe so the pipe doesn’t last as long without having some leek problem, then he told us now Arbor and most other house companies use silicone pipes which last longer. Right now we hired a man to come and seal up the pipe so we don’t have to leave tape there. He is going to texture it so it looks like there is nothing different about it. The only down side is his company doesn’t let him work with paints so he can’t paint it.

Plastic drywall repair person put:


Sun Academy

Teacher at Sun Academy

Sun Academy is where I go for summer camp. In the morning I go and arive around 8:30a and play battling bay blades till everyone comes in the next half hour. Then we do math and english packets for 2 hours. After that it depends on the weather. Sometimes we go to RoboRink to eat lunch and watch a movie, other times we walk to Jacob Wismer Elementary School Park and eat there and play for 1 hour.  The least amount of times we go to Pirate Park on Rock Creek Trail next to NW West Union Rd. Pirate Park is a smaller park and there there are more people because it is next to a neighborhood. After that it turns out to be about 2:00p so we come back inside the building because it gets hot. Next, we get some free time to play whatever we want. When the 3rd Graders are done doing Cogat Practice on the PCs we get some time to watch videos on youtube. Then I leave early at 3:30p when most of everybody else leaves at 6:00p. So then I go home and go through the rest of my day.

Here’s what Sun Academy looks like.

Teacher at Sun Academy


One of my favorite book series is called Warriors. It is a story of how cats live in the wild and take care of themselves. I have a kindle I got for my birthday, so I read a lot on it. Yesterday I was reading:


Super Addition:

BrambleStars Storm

Right now in the series I am reading the last book, called:


Series Addition:

A Vision of the Shadows:

Book #5 River of Fire

Once I finish reading this book I will have read all of the books in the series Warriors.

Cars Presentation

Hi, I’m back. I just made this presentation on cars. I decided to publish it. Just click here on this underlined word and I’ll give you a tour of all the different types of cars.

Cars Presentation

My First Blog Post

Ved Shah

Hi, my name is Ved. I live in Portland, Oregon, with my younger sister, my mom, and my dad.  My dad set up this blog for me, because he wanted me to learn how to use a website. This is my first post on my blog. Right now it is 8:00 pm on 5/6/2018. I am 9 years old, in 3rd grade. At school my best friends name is Nathan.

Here is what I would like to do with my blog:

  1. Learn how to write and edit nice looking articles (complete)
  2. Learn how to post my presentations (complete)
  3. Learn how to manage a website (complete)
  4. Learn how to write proper reviews (complete)
  5. Edit 2022: Learn how to program a functional website