Arriving India

Me, my mom, and my sister were planing to go on a trip to visit my close relatives who live in India. We went to PDX on 6-7-2018 to fly with Delta to AMS and then take Jet airways to Mumbai, India. My close relatives live in a suburb in Mumbai.

We planed to stay for 5 weeks. My dad will join in with the fun in a few weeks.

So, right now I am in my bed in my close relatives house, and it is 3:37a and I am only awake because the flight landed at midnight so when we arrived at there house we stayed awake, at 7:00 o’clock I need to be up to watch game 4 of the 2018 NBA Finals, the Golden State Warriors vs. the Cleveland Cavaliers. I am going for the Warriors because it is pretty much impossible for the Cavs to win because they lost Kyrie Irving. He went to the Boston Celtics because he wants to be a leader and he couldn’t when Lebron James was already leading so well. So lastly he decided to go to Boston.

So we never know, let’s see who wins the 2018 NBA Finals.

Getting ready for India

Here’s my list of things I’d like to do while I’m in India:

  1. Keep a diary on my blog of what I did everyday and what I learned.
  2. Write a review for the restaurants I go to in India.
  3. Talk about all of the trains I went on and see which one I like the best.
  4. Find out what are the differences in the driving rules in India and America.