Franz Bakery, Portland

As you know, in summer I go to summer camp. This year I go to Sun Academy. I go Tuesday, Wednesday and, Thursday, on Monday and Friday they have field trips, but those are not the days I go. Last week they had a special field trip on Thursday to Franz Bakery. So, to get there and come back there are 2 ways, take the Sun Academy vans or take Max (public local train in Portland, OR) or a Trimet Bus (local bus in Portland, OR). We took both, first 1 Bus, then Max, then another Bus. Then we arrived and had to walk 2 miles to the bakery tour entrance. When we got there we met a lady that took us into the tour room, then we split up into groups. First A group gets a tour of the factory while B group eats lunch and watches a movie. After that B group gets a tour and A group eats lunch and watches a movie. One of the bad things was there was no A/C in the whole entire factory because there were bread ovens and they had to keep them hot. There where conveyor belts on going in every direction with bread. There were carts and boxes getting moved around, trucks picking up bread to deliver and much more.

This is a picture of Franz Bakery’s bread at a shop:

Champoeg State Park Camping

About 2 days ago we went to Champoeg (sh-am-poo-y) State Park to camp. There are many things to do there like hikes along the shores of water, outdoor movies, riding bikes around the campsite loops, and much more. When we arrived Mishka’s family had already arrived they were almost done building there tent! After us came Nirmay’s family. Then Aarit’s family came, and last but not least Roushil’s family. My friends are Roushil, Aarit, Nirmay and Hashvi – who are siblings – Mishka and Krishvi – also siblings – and of course my own little sister, Navya because we are the Shah Family.

We went biking and scootering a lot, My dad couldn’t fit my bike in our 2009 Toyota Camry LE trunk so we couldn’t take it. I definitely say ‘thank you’ to Nirmay becase he let me borrow his bike. And also a big thank you to Roushil and Aarit because I borrowed there scooters. There was a bike parade where you take your bike around the camp. We were camped in A loop, there are 2 loops A and B. Our campsite was towards the exit of A loop at A35 and A37 there are a total of about up to campsite A45. We combined 2 campsites  because there are so many people. We did a lot of fun activities like we went on hikes and we went to the camp public wooden play structure. We rode bikes around A loop and met a few friends.

At night we stayed up till 12:00a and played games that one of the uncles set up. There were 3 teams, one team led by my dad, one team led by Nirmay’s dad, and one led by Roushil’s dad. We had lots of contests and, in the end, Roushil’s dad’s team won. We even got to sit in Nirmay’s dad’s Honda Odyssey with our legs sticking out of the trunk with the trunk door open! (NEVER TRY AT HOME, ONLY AT CAMPING).

Now we have to thank Mishka’s dad, becase he was the reason this camping trip worked out. He bought most of the stuff, came first to make sure everything was prepared, brought the lights, the canopy, the foldable table, the stove, the First Aid kit, the bins, the water balloons, his list is endless.

All of the moms (my aunties) made all of the yummy food we ate for lunch and dinner so I also thank them.

At the end when we signed out of our campsite we went to Butteville General Store which is the longest operating store in all of Oregon.

Image source

I opened as a General Store in the mid 1800s when the settlers came to Oregon. Now they sell ice cream. There ice cream had a lot of different good flavors. They also sell brownies, chocolate chip cookies, mochas, Sundays, Milkshakes and a lot more side stuff, but main and most popular is ice cream. I definitely recommend to go there and try there ice cream if you go any area near Butteville city.

One time when I was riding Nirmay’s bike I fell off the bike which occurred because I was leaning too much when turning. My whole left knee started bleeding and some lady saw me and she took me back to our campsite.

There my dad put Neosporin on my knee and put a gauze pad on my knee and taped with medicine raping tape. Then the day after I got hurt we left the campsite.

Coming Back ADVENTURE!!!

On the way back to PDX we had to take a flight from BOM > AMS then, AMS > LHR, then one more flight from LHR > PDX, in our first flight which was Jet Airways there was a technical problem, then the runway was full, then there is a rule if they don’t take off into the air before 3 hours are over the pilot gets to leave and fly another flight. So then we had to find another pilot. After that we were called for final takeoff signal from the control tower. When we were in mid flight our next plane a KLM from AMS > LHR took off we had to go to a KLM women that told us are flight was rebooked, AMS > SEA instead with Delta. Then a SEA > PDX Delta. Still there was one main problem, we only had a one hour halt at SEA and we had to do customs and pick up our bags and deliver our bags for check in for the next flight after that we have to make it to our gate and eat some snack all in 1 hour! Luckily we made it. When we got to PDX we got out of the airport and we to an Uber back home. So here I am getting back to my routines.

KidZania, R City Mall, Bombay

Ki (hi in KidZania language), Yesterday I went to the grand KidZania. I was extremely excited to go, Kidzania is a place for kids to learn how to do jobs. When you go to the entrance it is made like a check in desk for a airlines at the airport. You get your boarding pass to enter as on a plane you ticket to the flight. Then when you enter there are a bunch of stores. You can go in any of them and work for them for a few minutes. There is a money system, the Kidzania money is called Kiddzo. In some of the jobs like the really cool ones you have to pay to participate. In the other ones you earn Kiddzos for working. I got a total of 28 Kiddzos in all of my time. I had 3 hours. The main job is the airplane simulator. You are the pilot and have to fly the plane to the destination. I had a lot of fun there and will go again.

Matunga Gujarati Club

One day we where going to this new thali restaurant. We were in the waiting room because it was extremely crowded. We waited for one our and then got our spots. The food was okay, they had good Chana Masala but bad roti and poor I. I wrote a review.

Bombay Metro

Today was it, I was going to go on metro with maamaa (moms brother).There is only one line right now. It has 9 stations. I’ve told you, I live in Portland and are local train there is called Max. Here the local train is called local train. And it is much worse than max. No AC, no space, to crowded, doors open at all times. It is not safe at all. There are 2 lines. Western Line and Center Line. The metro was made to connect those two. For example if your getting ready for school, you live next to the Western Line and school is on the Center Line, you take the Western Line to the metro station, because at most metro stations on the ground is the local train station. Then you take the metro to the Center Line, and go to school. Every time you go on a local train, even when nobody is standing you will be standing, there is nowhere to sit. The ladies get pushed a lot, so they have a Ladies Special train. One in the morning and one in the evening. Then in every regular local train for men and women there is 2 Ladies Special carriages. But overall local train and metro are always very crowded.


A few days ago I went with my maamaa (moms brother) to a theater to watch a movie. The movie was called Parmanu, it is a movie of how India tests there NewClear Bomb when USA is using satellites to find out the formula. So this guy named John Abram came in the movie as Aswath and went into the team that was testing it and made the plan. Use a blind spot, there are 3 satellites, when one passes there is 1 hour before the next one comes. The team has to use that time to set everything up. They tried once in 1985 with no plan to keep the satellites out, so they cancelled the test. This plan that Aswath made they used 3 years later in 98, but some of the people who worked the USA president at that time was Bill Clinton, his people spayed on India and found out they were working during the blind spots. They set the satellites to the time that they were going to test the bomb, so India failed again. A few months later the president gave the permission to try again. This time there plan was the same. Use the blind spots. This time when the were almost ready to test, a spy found out they were trying again. But he found out to soon. When the presidents helper found out he went to Bill Clinton’s room. Just as he announced what had happened the tested the bomb. That time they succeeded.

I even wrote a review. On


Today as usual I was getting ready for work, I took a shower and was waiting for maamaa (moms brother) to take me to work, while I was playing I jumped of the couch and hit another couch with my knee on its hand rest, and the rest of my body hit the sofa, so I couldn’t go to work and had to stay home, but I’m not injured, I hope, if I am I am injured for the second time in one year! Right now it is 11:25a and I am sitting right here in my room on a chair writing. I don’t know what will happen next ,but hopefully I am lucky.


I woke up at 7a and went into the main room to see if anyone was awake, as usual I was going to go to work with my maamaa (moms brother). I play some games on there PC and sometimes on the Dell laptop. Then I draw what I love drawing most, all those different kinds of roads and bridges and freeway and highway junctions. Then when I come home I play with my cousin, then today I had to go to another suburb of Mumbai, we live in the suburb called Ghatkopar, we are going to the suburb called SantaCruz where my mom wants to buy some dresses. Then I ate some snack. My favorite cheese crackers are Cheez It. Then we took and Uber back to Ghatkopar. We drank the famous Indian drink called Energy. It is a dairy drink made of milk and yogurt that powers your body when you are tired. Then I went home and arrived at 8p. We played soccer (called football in India) I was by myself against my sister maamaa and my cousin, my sister isn’t to good so it is very easy to get past her. In India kids go to sleep at like 12:30 on the weekends. On the weekdays , like me in summer go to sleep at 9p. At 6p every evening there is a building party all of the kids play soccer or cricket, while the seniors talk and parents watch after their kids. I play with Riddan.

So, Then wonder is the next thing I will discover about India.


Hi, it’s me again. Yesterday in the evening I went to the top floor of the building to the 13 floor to go play with my old friend Riddan. They have their own private terrace! The cool thing is that on the terrace is a projector!

When I went down to the ground floor I found him playing with Avanth, who is pankil’s friend. We played soccer, then Avanth had to go home so me and Riddan went up to Riddan’s house. His mom and dad and sister were at home watching a movie, me and Riddan played Carrom and watched a movie.

Then at 8:00 my mom called and told me to come down to there house on the 6th floor. So I went down and ate dinner and played video games till 9:30and went to sleep.