Drywall Repair

We have had this leek coming from near our kitchen pantry and on the ceiling and it has been looking like its wet from the outside. So we called this guy named Scott that we have called a few times for some housework. When he came he said the pipe had cracked because they used pudding to make the pipe so the pipe doesn’t last as long without having some leek problem, then he told us now Arbor and most other house companies use silicone pipes which last longer. Right now we hired a man to come and seal up the pipe so we don’t have to leave tape there. He is going to texture it so it looks like there is nothing different about it. The only down side is his company doesn’t let him work with paints so he can’t paint it.

Plastic drywall repair person put:


Sun Academy

Teacher at Sun Academy

Sun Academy is where I go for summer camp. In the morning I go and arive around 8:30a and play battling bay blades till everyone comes in the next half hour. Then we do math and english packets for 2 hours. After that it depends on the weather. Sometimes we go to RoboRink to eat lunch and watch a movie, other times we walk to Jacob Wismer Elementary School Park and eat there and play for 1 hour.  The least amount of times we go to Pirate Park on Rock Creek Trail next to NW West Union Rd. Pirate Park is a smaller park and there there are more people because it is next to a neighborhood. After that it turns out to be about 2:00p so we come back inside the building because it gets hot. Next, we get some free time to play whatever we want. When the 3rd Graders are done doing Cogat Practice on the PCs we get some time to watch videos on youtube. Then I leave early at 3:30p when most of everybody else leaves at 6:00p. So then I go home and go through the rest of my day.

Here’s what Sun Academy looks like.

Teacher at Sun Academy
Source: sunacademcy.co

Coming Back ADVENTURE!!!

On the way back to PDX we had to take a flight from BOM > AMS then, AMS > LHR, then one more flight from LHR > PDX, in our first flight which was Jet Airways there was a technical problem, then the runway was full, then there is a rule if they don’t take off into the air before 3 hours are over the pilot gets to leave and fly another flight. So then we had to find another pilot. After that we were called for final takeoff signal from the control tower. When we were in mid flight our next plane a KLM from AMS > LHR took off we had to go to a KLM women that told us are flight was rebooked, AMS > SEA instead with Delta. Then a SEA > PDX Delta. Still there was one main problem, we only had a one hour halt at SEA and we had to do customs and pick up our bags and deliver our bags for check in for the next flight after that we have to make it to our gate and eat some snack all in 1 hour! Luckily we made it. When we got to PDX we got out of the airport and we to an Uber back home. So here I am getting back to my routines.

KidZania, R City Mall, Bombay

Ki (hi in KidZania language), Yesterday I went to the grand KidZania. I was extremely excited to go, Kidzania is a place for kids to learn how to do jobs. When you go to the entrance it is made like a check in desk for a airlines at the airport. You get your boarding pass to enter as on a plane you ticket to the flight. Then when you enter there are a bunch of stores. You can go in any of them and work for them for a few minutes. There is a money system, the Kidzania money is called Kiddzo. In some of the jobs like the really cool ones you have to pay to participate. In the other ones you earn Kiddzos for working. I got a total of 28 Kiddzos in all of my time. I had 3 hours. The main job is the airplane simulator. You are the pilot and have to fly the plane to the destination. I had a lot of fun there and will go again.

Matunga Gujarati Club

One day we where going to this new thali restaurant. We were in the waiting room because it was extremely crowded. We waited for one our and then got our spots. The food was okay, they had good Chana Masala but bad roti and poor I. I wrote a review.


Bombay Metro

Today was it, I was going to go on metro with maamaa (moms brother).There is only one line right now. It has 9 stations. I’ve told you, I live in Portland and are local train there is called Max. Here the local train is called local train. And it is much worse than max. No AC, no space, to crowded, doors open at all times. It is not safe at all. There are 2 lines. Western Line and Center Line. The metro was made to connect those two. For example if your getting ready for school, you live next to the Western Line and school is on the Center Line, you take the Western Line to the metro station, because at most metro stations on the ground is the local train station. Then you take the metro to the Center Line, and go to school. Every time you go on a local train, even when nobody is standing you will be standing, there is nowhere to sit. The ladies get pushed a lot, so they have a Ladies Special train. One in the morning and one in the evening. Then in every regular local train for men and women there is 2 Ladies Special carriages. But overall local train and metro are always very crowded.


A few days ago I went with my maamaa (moms brother) to a theater to watch a movie. The movie was called Parmanu, it is a movie of how India tests there NewClear Bomb when USA is using satellites to find out the formula. So this guy named John Abram came in the movie as Aswath and went into the team that was testing it and made the plan. Use a blind spot, there are 3 satellites, when one passes there is 1 hour before the next one comes. The team has to use that time to set everything up. They tried once in 1985 with no plan to keep the satellites out, so they cancelled the test. This plan that Aswath made they used 3 years later in 98, but some of the people who worked the USA president at that time was Bill Clinton, his people spayed on India and found out they were working during the blind spots. They set the satellites to the time that they were going to test the bomb, so India failed again. A few months later the president gave the permission to try again. This time there plan was the same. Use the blind spots. This time when the were almost ready to test, a spy found out they were trying again. But he found out to soon. When the presidents helper found out he went to Bill Clinton’s room. Just as he announced what had happened the tested the bomb. That time they succeeded.

I even wrote a review. On



One of my favorite book series is called Warriors. It is a story of how cats live in the wild and take care of themselves. I have a kindle I got for my birthday, so I read a lot on it. Yesterday I was reading:


Super Addition:

BrambleStars Storm

Right now in the series I am reading the last book, called:


Series Addition:

A Vision of the Shadows:

Book #5 River of Fire

Once I finish reading this book I will have read all of the books in the series Warriors.


Today as usual I was getting ready for work, I took a shower and was waiting for maamaa (moms brother) to take me to work, while I was playing I jumped of the couch and hit another couch with my knee on its hand rest, and the rest of my body hit the sofa, so I couldn’t go to work and had to stay home, but I’m not injured, I hope, if I am I am injured for the second time in one year! Right now it is 11:25a and I am sitting right here in my room on a chair writing. I don’t know what will happen next ,but hopefully I am lucky.


I woke up at 7a and went into the main room to see if anyone was awake, as usual I was going to go to work with my maamaa (moms brother). I play some games on there PC and sometimes on the Dell laptop. Then I draw what I love drawing most, all those different kinds of roads and bridges and freeway and highway junctions. Then when I come home I play with my cousin, then today I had to go to another suburb of Mumbai, we live in the suburb called Ghatkopar, we are going to the suburb called SantaCruz where my mom wants to buy some dresses. Then I ate some snack. My favorite cheese crackers are Cheez It. Then we took and Uber back to Ghatkopar. We drank the famous Indian drink called Energy. It is a dairy drink made of milk and yogurt that powers your body when you are tired. Then I went home and arrived at 8p. We played soccer (called football in India) I was by myself against my sister maamaa and my cousin, my sister isn’t to good so it is very easy to get past her. In India kids go to sleep at like 12:30 on the weekends. On the weekdays , like me in summer go to sleep at 9p. At 6p every evening there is a building party all of the kids play soccer or cricket, while the seniors talk and parents watch after their kids. I play with Riddan.

So, Then wonder is the next thing I will discover about India.